One of those teams was from KCRG-TV9, Cedar Rapids, Iowa: Reporter Mark Geary, videographer Dane Firkus, and photographer Jim Slosiarek have been following the Red Bull story since June 2010, when they first visited the brigade during Annual Training at Camp Ripley, Minn. They've previously also visited Camp Shelby, Miss. They're becoming quite the deployment veterans themselves!
For those Red Bull soldiers who were under communications blackout, or who may already be downrange, here's a wrap-up of the KCRG team's coverage of Fort Irwin, Calif. As always, you can keep up with KCRG's coverage at:
(Personally, I've always been a fan of Geary's conversational and insightful "Reporter's notebooks." Be sure to check them out!)
Photo Gallery: 2-34 BCT training at Fort Irwin
Reporter's Notebook, Mon., Sept. 26: Arrival at Fort Irwin, Calif.
Reporter's Notebook., Tues., Sept. 28: Chow Halls and FOBs
Reporter's Notebook, Wed., Sept. 29: Combat Trainers and Conversations
Reporter's Notebook, Thurs., Sept. 30: Realistic Training with Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 133rd Infantry Regiment
Reporter's Notebook, Fri., Oct. 1: Embed's End
Video, Oct. 13, 2010: "Ready to Go"
Video, Oct 13, 2010: "Moon Dust"
Article, Video: "Iowa National Guard Looks Into Soldiers Pay Issues"
Article, Photo: "War is Hell: Intense Realistic Training for Iowa Troops"
Article, Video: "Guard Soldiers Have New Mission: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle"
Article, Video: "Care Packages for Iowa National Guard Soldiers"
Video, Oct. 5: "Web Exclusive: Soldiers' Living Quarters"
Article, Video: "No Privacy in Close Quarters for National Guard Solders"
Article, Video: "Practice Eases Stress for National Guard Medics"
Great Compilation and summary, Sherpa.