There are two new static pages on the Red Bull Rising page. A page titled "Fallen Soldiers" lists four Iowa National Guard soldiers killed 2nd Brigade Combat Team (B.C.T.), 34th Infantry "Red Bull" Division's (2-34th BCT) 2010-2011 deployment to Afghanistan. The page replaces "Help Our Soldiers"--an earlier, partial listing of combat injuries and deaths from the deployment.
A page titled "Friends & Allies" lists groups that share similar objectives to that of the Red Bull Rising blog: To remember, support, and celebrate citizen-soldiers past and present, as well as their families, along with links to their respective websites. Check them out, and help where you can.
A page titled "Share Your Stories" has been put on hiatus. The page--which sought to collect stories from Red Bull soldiers, veterans, and families via an on-line questionnaire--generated lots of page hits, but few submissions.
Here's a quick footnote (maybe it's a "paw-note"?) to some doggy stories I've told (here and here) over the past couple of months : On page 61 of the September 2011 issue of Men's Journal, in a sidebar to a 3-page feature regarding military working dogs, you can sniff out a tiny mug-shot of Sgt. 1st Class Timmy. Timmy is a yellow Labrador working as a therapy dog at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan, with whom I visited earlier this summer. Nothing big. I didn't write the story, I just happened to take the snap.
Still, I think it's kind of funny that the tiny photo represents the biggest sale to-date from my 2011 Afghan travels.
Ah, well ... every dog has his day.

Still, I think it's kind of funny that the tiny photo represents the biggest sale to-date from my 2011 Afghan travels.
Ah, well ... every dog has his day.
I almost dropped my beer when Foreign Policy magazine blogger Tom Ricks mentioned the Red Bulls right after musing about Budweiser's Clydesdales. I like how he makes connections.
I almost dropped my beer when Foreign Policy magazine blogger Tom Ricks mentioned the Red Bulls right after musing about Budweiser's Clydesdales. I like how he makes connections.
And I owe him a beer.
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